Laravel Development

Developing Website Solutions with Laravel

The world is changing fast and so are the ways of coding. From developing programs using a top-bottom approach we are now developing websites using MVC. Laravel is an MVC framework that goes hand-in-hand with PHP to offer some very good customized solutions. We, at Softtechover, are one the rapidly growing ​ Laravel development company who offer ​ Laravel website Development in India for our customers. Our clients are based all over the globe and we provide web solutions to them using the Laravel Software platform. Through our efficiency, protection and well-documented code we believe in providing our clients with the best services. Using the development of Laravel applications we deliver cutting-edge solutions.


What Makes ​ Laravel Web Development ​ Choice of the Customers​ ?

Why Choose Laravel Web Development Services for Your Project ?

Laravel is the most popular open source MVC framework that is in use today. The built-in tools in the Laravel framework help a developer at a ​Laravel web development company to develop Laravel web development services and Laravel web applications. A big Laravel community on the world wide web provides a number of solutions to the developer for any problems he/she might encounter. Laravel also has a number of blogs and forums that can help the users to learn the framework and its use very easily. Laravel strives to make the development process as painless as possible without losing any features for the application or getting away from the approach to coding. Nowadays development companies ​hire Laravel developers in India or elsewhere to finish the project in time as also develop quality web sites.

Expertise with Tools for Laravel

Tools to Use with ​ Laravel Web Development Services

Laravel has a number of built-in tools that can be used for various purposes. Let’s have a look at
some of them:

Laravel Js Validation

The package has features that allow automatic form validation by reusing Laravel validation rules, messages, form requests and validators.

Laravel Socialite

Integrates social media into your websites including Facebook,Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Laravel Debugbar

Used during application development to keep track of the program variables and values.

Laravel Dusk

Enables the use of browser automation and a testing API very easily

Laravel Notification

Allows to send notifications

Laravel Get Text​

If you are looking for localization i.e. presenting some text in a language of your choice, this feature is for you.

Laravel Passport​

Used for authentication purposes